Monday, August 31, 2009
My first challenge

Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:37 PM
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Giveaway Crazy from my fellow Bloggers
This giveaway is courtesy of Park Avenue Princess, straight from her blog. Check it out and sign up!
Saturday Spotlight & Generous Giveaway!

Oh Mystery Blogger Let's start off with something easy...
What's Your Name? Cheryl Koch
Do You Have an *Alias*? No
What's Your Blog name? Cheryl's Book Nook
And What's the URL? http://www.cherylsbooknook.blogspot.com/
We ALL want to be able to find you!!
Tell Us A *Little* Bit about yourself? You know, a short Bio...
Well, I am married, no children but I have one dog, two cats and a tank full of fish. I love to read, do cross stitching and my favorite tv shows to watch are The Tudors, Project Runway, Top Chef, and Hell's Kitchen.
Why did you start your blog? To be honest, I started one because blogging was a popular thing but when I started it I had no plans as to what I was going to use my blog for. Due to my love of books, I decided to post my thoughts about them and thought other people might enjoy my recommendations.
(And you were right!!) *smile*
Back to the Interview...What is your favorite genre and/or genres?
My Favorite genre has to be suspense/thriller, but I read just about any genre.
Who is your favorite author? No particular favorite but some of my favorite authors are Cody McFadyen, Kevin O'Brien, Brian Freeman, Lisa Jackson, Beverly Barton, Karen Rose, and Tess Gerristen to name a few.
What's your favorite book of all time? I don't really have a favorite but I do remember some that really got my interested in reading are The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom, Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Most people would probably be surprised to see these books named as I have just gotten back into the non ficition genre.
Please Name & describe your blog features: Cheryl's Book Nook. I post reviews of books you should know about, author interviews, guest posts, and of course giveaways.
Describe your review system: Well my review system may be different than most are used to. I mean, this because if people are looking for a scoring system, I don't use one. I just write my thoughts on the book and don't assign any stars. I beleive my thoughts are my own and I don't want to discourage anyone for not reading something. I want my readers to make up their own minds based on my reviews. Though I do assign stars on other sites where I post my reviews like Shelfari, Goodreads and Amazon.
How is your blog unique from other blogs? This is a tough question. To be honest, I don't know how mine is unique from others. Everytime I visit other blogs, I think wow I should do that! But then, I have gotten so many great comments from authors that they like my blog because it is simple and not clustered. Maybe that is how I am unique in the fact that I keep things simple.
How do you market your blog? I try to feature it on many different sites like Shelfari, Goodreads, Book Blogs, join a lot of book blog tours, comment on other bloggers sites and swap links.
Can you give us 3 tips about content? Keep things simple, short and to the point.
Try and make the postings interactive, and Just have fun with your postings.
What are your 3 Major Tips for Blog Promotion? Join book blog tours, Be friendly with other bloggers, and comment on their sites! Join sites that focus on what your blog is about and make friends.
Some of the nicest and coolest people I have met, I met through blogging. One of those people is Amy from Park-Avenue Princess (No she did not pay me to say this)!
*Gets caught putting away money* .... What? I ... Um, needed something out of my purse...mmmhmmm *AHEM* Cheryl, should we tell them about the GIVEAWAY?
Cheryl: "Of course WE should tell them about the GIVEAWAY!"
OK...Well, now that you all know a little bit more about Cheryl and her "Book Nook" ... (Not to be confused with Nookie. Although, you MIGHT think about nookie when you see some of the covers of the books that Cheryl is sometimes reading! I stop by for drool factor alone! *wipes drool* KIDDING! Princesses DO NOT DROOL! DUH!
Here's the Exciting News! 5 Copies of "Tall, Dark & Fangsome" by Michelle Rowen are up for grabs! One copy per Winner! (That's 5 Winners in all) - (I know..DUH)

They just have to mention it in their post!
JUST SEND ME A MESSAGE VIA EMAIL AT IAmHiMaintenance(at)aol(dot)com
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
10:07 PM
Friday, August 28, 2009
Exciting News!
2 of my reviews have been posted on the Simon and Schuster's website. They are one of my favorite publishers and have been so kind and generous to me the over the years. !
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
4:54 PM
Another Giveaway from Tome Traveller
Thanks to Tome Traveller for this Giveaway: http://thetometraveller.blogspot.com
Giveaway: The Widow's War by Mary Mackey

How about some American historical fiction, for a change? This new novel, set in Kansas during the Civil War, promises to be exciting! Here's the synopsis from the publisher:
After they return to Kansas , Carrie realizes she’s been tricked by Presgrove and his pro-slavery senator father. William is still alive! Their passionate reunion takes place in the midst of a violent civil war that will soon engulf the entire nation, but as abolitionists and proslavers battle to determine whether the Kansas Territory will enter the Union as a free or slave state, fire and fury sweep across the plains threatening to tear Carrie and William apart again, this time forever.
Attacking Carrie’s home, proslavers kidnap William and Carrie’s newborn child. Desperate to fight for what she believes in, to get her child back safely, and to be reunited with the man she loves, Carrie arms a cavalry unit of African-American soldiers and leads them on a rescue mission into the slave state of Missouri . Will Carrie’s determination and burning love be enough to save the two people she cares most about?
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
1:44 PM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Giveaway at Crazy For Books blog!!

ISBN: 978-0316156493
Publication Date: May 12, 2009
Book Description:
Christopher Flynn is trying to get it right. After years of trouble and rebellion that enraged his father and nearly cost him his life, he has a steady job in his father's company, he's seriously dating a woman he respects, and, aside from the distrust that lingers in his father's eyes, his mistakes are firmly in the past.
One day on the job, Chris and his partner come across a temptation almost too big to resist. Chris does the right thing, but old habits and instincts rise to the surface, threatening this new-found stability with sudden treachery and violence. With his father and his most trusted friends, he takes one last chance to blast past the demons trying to pull him back.
Like Richard Price or William Kennedy, Pelecanos pushes his characters to the extremes, their redemption that much sweeter because it is so hard fought. Pelecanos has long been celebrated for his unerring ability to portray the conflicts men feel as they search and struggle for power and love in a world that is often harsh and unforgiving but can ultimately be filled with beauty.
About the Author:
George Pelecanos is an independent film producer, an essayist, the recipient of numerous international writing awards, a producer and an Emmy-nominated writer on the HBO hit series "The Wire," and the author of a bestselling series of novels set in and around Washington, D.C.
Visit the author's website!
Here's how to enter:
Thanks to the wonderful folks at Hachette Book Group, I am able to offer five (5) giveaway copies of this book!! And, did you know that President Obama took this book on vacation with him?! Here's how to get your entry!
- Leave a comment with an e-mail address or PaperbackSwap nickname for +1 entry (I have to be able to reach you if you win!!)
- Follow my blog for +1 extra entry
- Blog about this contest for +1 extra entry (leave a link so I can come check out your blog)
- Add me to your Blog Roll for +1 extra entry (leave a link so I can come check it out!!)
- Only US/Canada Residents are eligible to win
- No P.O. Boxes!
Contest will end on September 15! Winners will be selected on September 16!
Sign up at www.crazy-for-books.com
*red headed book child
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
9:55 PM
Review #8 (kind of): Julie and Julia by Julie Powell or Laugh out loud slices
I finished Julie and Julia by Julie Powell and I have decided not to give it a full review.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
12:46 PM
Currently addicted to "jazzing" up my blog
This must be common. I can't decide on what my blog should look like. I have changed the color 50 times it seems. I can't promise you that this will stay the same. I may be a blog overload. I've looked at too many and they are all so damn cute! (cute in a good way, not overly annoying fuzzy kitten way...no harm to kittens intended)
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
10:46 AM
Monday, August 24, 2009
"A Happy Marriage is both intimate and expansive: It is the story of Enrique Sabas and his wife, Margaret, a novel that alternates between the romantic misadventures of the first weeks of their courtship and the final months of Margaret's life as she says good-bye to her family, friends, and children -- and to Enrique. Spanning thirty years, this achingly honest story is about what it means for two people to spend a lifetime together -- and what makes a happy marriage. Yglesias's career as a novelist began in 1970 when he wrote an autobiographical novel at sixteen, hailed by critics for its stunning and revelatory depiction of adolescence. A Happy Marriage, his first work of fiction in thirteen years, was inspired by his relationship with his wife, Margaret, who died in 2004. Bold, elegiac, and emotionally suspenseful, even though we know what happens, Yglesias's beautiful novel will break every reader's heart -- while encouraging all of us with its clear-eyed evocation of the enduring value of marriage."Description (From the Simon and Schuster website)
A Happy Marriage it turns out is not A Happy Book, though you feel joy, love, delight, warmth and beauty many times throughout. It does also evoke a lot of sadness. I don't think I am giving anything away by stating that death plays a big role as does suffering. But what we do in the face of suffering and impending death is reflect and ponder. That is what this book does really well, what Yglesias writes really well. Yglesias did not have to go far to tap into the raw honesty and emotion. Each chapter is a look at the marriage of Enrique and Margaret, at different stages. Going back and forth in time, the reader gets to experience the anxiety of their first love, the time of boredom and hardship and the very explicit detail of Margaret's painful months. Enrique is such a vivid character and the way the author writes of his thoughts and reactions is such like watching the pounding surf,mesmerizing. Admittedly I did not always like him but I understood him. I understood his love for her, his insecurity with himself, his nurturing hand, his disgust for the cruelty of the disease. Margaret, though central, is much more of a distant creature to me, sort of haunting the corners, casting her shadows. You feel her and hear her but you do not see her. Writing about the death of a loved one is extremely personal and very awkward at times to read. I wanted to jump in and fix everything or just shield my eyes when I felt I was invading privacy. I had the same feeling reading Still Alice by Lisa Genova (pick it up if you have not done so already). That mood of the book attests to the power of the story itself and leaves a very clear message to readers. Hold tight to the ones you love and live with no regrets. I highly recommend this book.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:41 PM
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A Book Blogger Appreciation Week Meme!
1) What has been one of the highlights of blogging for you?
2) What blogger has helped you out with your blog by answering questions, linking to you, or inspiring you?
3) What one question do you have about BBAW that someone who participated last year could answer?
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
7:17 PM
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Borders: Kate DiCamillo Talks About The Magician's Elephant
Borders: Kate DiCamillo Talks About The Magician's Elephant
Shared via AddThis
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:18 PM
Review #7: A Happy Marriage by Rafael Yglesias
I have spent all day reading this beautiful book, A Happy Marriage by Rafael Yglesias.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
3:33 PM
When Francesco turns out to be a dud, Cat is adrift on the streets of Rome, no safety net in sight. With the help of an eccentric waitress with a spare apartment to rent, the handsome restaurateur who calls her Princess Ann, and the family secrets only Rome can unlock for her, Cat discovers that happiness can be found on the back of a speeding Vespa... but only if you're willing to take a few risks.Giveaway: Check out Chick Loves Lit blog for entry. (description and info provided from Chick Loves Lit)
Italian for Beginners
Author: Kristin Harmel
Publication Date: August 13, 2009Cat Connelly plays it safe. She's an accountant with no debt who lives near her family in Manhattan. She's also thirty-four, unmarried, and with nothing promising on her romantic horizon. After a humiliating incident at her sister's wedding, she throws caution to the wind and flies off to Rome to find Francesco, the man she'd fallen in love with thirteen years earlier on a trip to Italy.
Enter to win a copy of this book (courtesy of Hachette)!
Three winners will be chosen September 1, 2009. Winners will be notified via e-mail and a blog post. Good luck!
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
7:25 AM
Friday, August 21, 2009
Review #6: Prospect Park West by Amy Sohn
The cover of this galley had the following teaser... "Finally, there's sex in another part of the city. You'll never look at brownstones, babies or Bugaboos the same way again."
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
8:26 AM
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Book Club Joy
I have been a part of many different types of book clubs through the years. I have done long distance book clubs, one on one book clubs, book clubs with my mom, very strict you-must-read-and-participate-or-else book clubs and "We don't read those kind of books" book club. (that one was my favorite...NOT!)
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
8:35 AM
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Review #5: Japan took the J.A.P Out of Me by Lisa Fineberg Cook (re-posting of review due to release)
* I'm re-posting this review because it is due out this Tuesday and a blog tour is in the works for her (I am not participating). But this is a fun memoir and it deserves attention!
When it comes down to it, if you had to look at your life, everyone has a story to tell. You can tell a great story out of the smallest event or not so good one out of a huge event. It all comes down to the storyteller. With Lisa Fineberg Cook, her story is told quite well by a skilled storyteller, with the perfect blend of honesty and humor.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
9:47 AM
Thursday, August 13, 2009
a Bit more jazz
I decided upon looking at many other blogs that my blog...well, it sucked. I needed pizazz, sparkles, bells and whistles. I needed jazz hands.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
5:35 PM
Monday, August 10, 2009
Review #4: Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
Now this book I was very excited to read. I was pretty confident in the author and the story to know that it would be an easy recommend for the readers in my life.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
8:33 AM
Friday, August 7, 2009
Off to Camp
I will attempt to camp with my toddler this weekend (and my husband, of course.) We'll see how this goes.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:16 AM
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Memories of Books Past
I remember many years ago during a great time in my bookselling days being given a rare galley copy of The Little Friend by Donna Tartt, the highly anticipated follow up to The Secret History.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:42 AM