This giveaway is courtesy of Park Avenue Princess, straight from her blog. Check it out and sign up!
Saturday Spotlight & Generous Giveaway!

Hello Lords and Ladies! Today I have another wonderful blogger for you to meet! She was one of the very first bloggers I met when I began blogging! Let's Welcome Our Saturday Spotlight Blogger...
**Thunderous Applause**
Oh Mystery Blogger Let's start off with something easy...
What's Your Name? Cheryl Koch
Do You Have an *Alias*? No
What's Your Blog name? Cheryl's Book Nook
And What's the URL?
We ALL want to be able to find you!!
Tell Us A *Little* Bit about yourself? You know, a short Bio...
Well, I am married, no children but I have one dog, two cats and a tank full of fish. I love to read, do cross stitching and my favorite tv shows to watch are The Tudors, Project Runway, Top Chef, and Hell's Kitchen.
Why did you start your blog? To be honest, I started one because blogging was a popular thing but when I started it I had no plans as to what I was going to use my blog for. Due to my love of books, I decided to post my thoughts about them and thought other people might enjoy my recommendations.
(And you were right!!) *smile*
Back to the Interview...What is your favorite genre and/or genres?
My Favorite genre has to be suspense/thriller, but I read just about any genre.
Who is your favorite author? No particular favorite but some of my favorite authors are Cody McFadyen, Kevin O'Brien, Brian Freeman, Lisa Jackson, Beverly Barton, Karen Rose, and Tess Gerristen to name a few.
What's your favorite book of all time? I don't really have a favorite but I do remember some that really got my interested in reading are The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom, Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Most people would probably be surprised to see these books named as I have just gotten back into the non ficition genre.
Please Name & describe your blog features: Cheryl's Book Nook. I post reviews of books you should know about, author interviews, guest posts, and of course giveaways.
Describe your review system: Well my review system may be different than most are used to. I mean, this because if people are looking for a scoring system, I don't use one. I just write my thoughts on the book and don't assign any stars. I beleive my thoughts are my own and I don't want to discourage anyone for not reading something. I want my readers to make up their own minds based on my reviews. Though I do assign stars on other sites where I post my reviews like Shelfari, Goodreads and Amazon.
How is your blog unique from other blogs? This is a tough question. To be honest, I don't know how mine is unique from others. Everytime I visit other blogs, I think wow I should do that! But then, I have gotten so many great comments from authors that they like my blog because it is simple and not clustered. Maybe that is how I am unique in the fact that I keep things simple.
How do you market your blog? I try to feature it on many different sites like Shelfari, Goodreads, Book Blogs, join a lot of book blog tours, comment on other bloggers sites and swap links.
Can you give us 3 tips about content? Keep things simple, short and to the point.
Try and make the postings interactive, and Just have fun with your postings.
What are your 3 Major Tips for Blog Promotion? Join book blog tours, Be friendly with other bloggers, and comment on their sites! Join sites that focus on what your blog is about and make friends.
Some of the nicest and coolest people I have met, I met through blogging. One of those people is Amy from Park-Avenue Princess (No she did not pay me to say this)!
*Gets caught putting away money* .... What? I ... Um, needed something out of my purse...mmmhmmm *AHEM* Cheryl, should we tell them about the GIVEAWAY?
Cheryl: "Of course WE should tell them about the GIVEAWAY!"
OK...Well, now that you all know a little bit more about Cheryl and her "Book Nook" ... (Not to be confused with Nookie. Although, you MIGHT think about nookie when you see some of the covers of the books that Cheryl is sometimes reading! I stop by for drool factor alone! *wipes drool* KIDDING! Princesses DO NOT DROOL! DUH!
Here's the Exciting News! 5 Copies of "Tall, Dark & Fangsome" by Michelle Rowen are up for grabs! One copy per Winner! (That's 5 Winners in all) - (I know..DUH)

FIVE Of My LUCKY Readers Will WIN A Copy Of Their Very Own!!
Courtesy of Anna at Hachette Book Group, Cheryl of Cheryl's Book Nook
and Park-Avenue Princess!
Books will be coming directly from HBG - So, there are two rules
You MUST Reside in the U.S. or Canada ONLY
Also, You MUST Have a Street Address that You Can Give Me IF You Win
NO P.O. Boxes Please!
How Do you Win? It's Simple!
You must follow me by hitting the FOLLOW button AND
You Must Also Follow Cheryl!
That way, We can both see you and know you are one of my readers!
All Entries MUST be in By Midnight (EST) Sept. 26th
WINNERS Drawn on the 27th!
Extra Entries
+2 If you Subscribe by Mail
+2 If you Subscribe via Google Reader
+3 If you TWEET About This Giveaway
+5 If you Follow Me on TWITTER! (Leave @I*heart*thePrincess)
+10 If you blog about this Giveaway in it's own post
+15 If you Put My Button On Your Blog and Link Back!
Try to Separate your entries one per post (Pretty Please)!
(+5 for each and every NEW follower you bring me)
They just have to mention it in their post!
They just have to mention it in their post!
Good Luck and HAVE FUN!!
Thank you ALL for Stopping By! I hope you enjoyed meeting Cheryl!
Without you, your comments and imput, this blog
wouldn't be able to continue to grow!
Questions/Concerns? Please do not hesitate to Contact ME!
JUST SEND ME A MESSAGE VIA EMAIL AT IAmHiMaintenance(at)aol(dot)com
OR BY HITTING THE "Contact Me" Button Up Top!!
Untill Next time...
Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out this giveaway from Park Avenue Princess.
*red headed book child
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