Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Review #20: Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane (and Giveaway!)

Title: Shutter Island

Author: Dennis Lehane
Format: Paperback purchased at Library
Genre: Mystery/Thriller/Suspense
Publisher: Harper Collins

Rating: 5/5

My Review and Description:

I have had a successful reading week the past five days. I've finished 4 books! Okay, so not all of them were that large but hey, come on...I'm tootin' horn that is. I just love when I pick up a book and it clicks. The mood is right, the choice is right. Aside from having a very busy demanding toddler (love him!), one of the things that prevents me from reading so much is deciding what to read NEXT. Many times I stand in front of my TBR shelves and stare for long periods of time. I hate it when it doesn't come quickly.

Shutter Island I finished today after only starting it yesterday afternoon. Thank goodness for 2 hour naps. If you have not read Dennis Lehane and you are a fan of thriller/suspense, pick him up. He is good for it. This one clicked.

Once again, I have a strong tie to Boston and Lehane's books, atleast the ones I've read, have all been set in and around the Boston area. Love the accents, the edge, the history. I've read Mystic River and Gone Baby Gone.

Set in 1954, Shutter Island starts off with two U.S Marshals Teddy Daniels and Chuck Aule heading out to Shutter Island to investigate a case of a missing patient from the Ashecliffe Hospital that is based there. Turns out she has literally vanished into thin air. As a hurricane looms over them, the two get deeper and deeper into the illegal behavior that is being done there. Radical experimentation, surgeries and mistreatment of patients all start to be uncovered by Teddy and Chuck. Teddy, however, has secrets of his own and private reasons that brought him to the island. He is looking for the patient that killed his wife. What you learn along the way is that no one can be trusted, not even Teddy.

This book is non-stop right out of the gate. My toes are still tingling. Slick writing, awesome setting, shifty characters, and secrets that could rival an episode of 24, Lehane doesn't hold back. He can capture the mood and darkness of characters and paint a landscape that you can imagine to a "t". I used to say Mystic River would be a perfect one to start as introduction to his books but I have to say this one would do just fine.

On another note, it has also been made into a movie coming out this winter. I saw Mystic River and Gone Baby Gone after I read the books so I am glad I did the same for this one. You must check out the movie trailer here. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio (yumalicious!) and it is directed by Martin Scorcese. In my opinion, you can't go wrong.

I think this is the perfect time of year to read this book. It has a bit of spook factor. Come on, Hospital for the Criminally Insane on a island with a hurricane happening?

I am such a fan of this book that I want to give it away to one of you. What better way to spread the word than to physically put the book in one of your lovely hands!

* GIVEAWAY: I am super simple about this giveaway. Just leave your email and let me know if you want to be entered. I will pick a winner on Sunday October 25. I will email you and if you don't respond in 24 hours, I will pick another winner.

Happy Reading!

* red headed book child


Sheila (bookjourney) said...

I have read this book and I agree with you completely - incredible read. No need to enter me just wanted to give my two cents :)

Jenny said...

Ooh! I've never read any of his books and have a few (including this one) that I really want to read. Please enter me!

jennala @ cfl . rr . com

Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

Forgot to mention, only for US and Canada (i'm a little poor!) and I would love if any of you who want to enter would become followers as well!!


Ryan said...

Sounds like a great book and one I keep seeing when I got into a store. Would love to enter the contest. I'm already a follower.

Celticlady's Reviews said...

I would be interested and I am a follower. Thank you


zipbagofbones said...

I just saw a preview for this movie With leonardo DiCaprio and it looked EXACTLY like something I need to watch - I had no idea the movie was stolen from a book, but I should have guessed. All the good ones are. Sign me up, I'd love to win this one!

Anonymous said...

read this book recently. I rather liked it myself :) glad you liked it. It did certainly fit into the spookiness factor.

Alyssa Kirk said...

I love anything that gets the toes tingling from the start. Great review. Count me in!


Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

I'd like to be entered count me in please.


Lori Johnston said...

This sounds great! I'd love to be entered.

~ Lori (

Jessica said...

Love the review! This is a book I definitely want to read now. And I want to watch the movie, too. :) Please enter me in your contest.

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

No need to enter me. I already have it and plan to read it before the movie comes out!

I had to stop by and give you your award!

Marian Perera said...

The book sounds gripping. I'd love to be entered into the giveaway!


mdperera at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

To have a book keep my interest and make my toes tingle would be exciting. Haven't had a book do that for awhile. I look forward to reading this book.

Please enter me in the contest.

bstilwell12 at comcast dot net