Saturday, November 28, 2009
Week in Review: November 22-28

Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
2:13 PM
Thursday, November 26, 2009
New Moon review

Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
7:19 AM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Secret of Joy winner!
Thank you to all of those who entered The Secret of Joy contest giveaway! Winner chosen very officially on little scraps of paper, picked out of a very fancy bowl by my very handsome husband. :)
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:17 PM
Award: Thank you, Amy!
Your hair? really big right now, like crazy 80s big
Your mother? very loving and supportive
Your father? very loving and supportive
Your favorite food? noodles
Your dream last night? some craziness because I ate a burrito before bed. it involved lots of doors. hmmm...
Your favorite drink? soy vanilla latte
Your dream/goal? to live on a farm with my family, music, animals and lots of books.
What room are you in? my living room
Your hobby? reading
Your fear? loss of my son, my husband, my family...loss in general
Where do you want to be in 6 years? still home with my family, in the country, with money saved
Where were you last night? at my part-time bookstore job shelving mystery books
Something that you aren't? girlie
Muffins? bran carrot
Wish list item? BOOKS or Spa Day ( I may not be girlie but I do like being clean and pampered)
Where did you grow up? Minnesota
Last thing you did? put my kiddo down for a nap
What are you wearing? GAP sweats and a HANES white tshirt. Total product placement, right? Can I get a sponsor? j/k
Your TV? dirty
Your Pets? 2 cats, one locked in basement now due to his need to howl next to my son's crib.
Friends? smart!
Your life? pray to Mary to keep it blessed!
Your mood? a little anxious and snarky due to some insurance company crap going on.
Missing someone? Grandparents
Vehicle? Subaru Forester named Frida
Something you're not wearing? socks
Your favorite store? Oh who am I kidding? Target. I'm soothed by all that red.
Your favorite color? blue (surprised you, didn't I?)
When was the last time you laughed? this morning
Last time you cried? yesterday when I saw that darn movie preview for "Dear John" (the movie based on the book by Nicholas Spark) good lord.
Your best friend? fabulous
One place that you go to over and over? New York City
Facebook? a little
Favorite place to eat? Saji-ya, a sushi bar
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
12:00 PM
Teaser Tuesdays
I haven't done one of these in a few weeks so I'm glad I'm getting a chance to now!
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
- Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:21 AM
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Week in Review: November 15-21
Week in Review

Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
10:12 AM
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Review #27: The Christmas Cookie Club by Ann Pearlman
Title: The Christmas Cookie Club
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
3:57 PM
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Q & A with Melissa Senate, author of The Secret of Joy + Giveaway!
A: I’m a single mother of an adorable seven-year-old boy and very happily work from my little house in Maine as a novelist and a freelance copywriter and editor. I moved to Maine five years ago from New York City, where I’d worked for a long time as a fiction editor. Sometimes I miss everything that is NYC, but Maine is such a beautiful, earthy place to live. 4. Where did the idea of The Secret of Joy come from? A: Several years ago, I received an email out of the blue that said: I think you might be my half-sister. Well, I was. It took me a long time to decide to take that little (huge) nugget and write a novel to help me figure out what I thought about some important questions, like: if you haven’t seen or heard from your biological father, or any member of his family, in say, 35 years, is his child from a subsequent marriage really your sibling? Or just a stranger? Does the word father or sister or brother mean anything without back up? I had a ton of questions and set out to uncover how I felt, but it’s interesting to me that I flipped everything on its head in the writing of the story. Nothing but the basic questions that are proposed in the novel are based from real life. 5. Do you have a favorite of one of your books? A: My favorite always seems to be the one I’m writing at the moment. I do feel a very special fondness for my first novel, See Jane Date, because it changed my life. I wasn’t sure I could sit down and write an entire novel, that I’d have the belief in myself or the discipline to do it, and when I typed The End on the last page of the manuscript, it was one of the proudest moments of my life. 6. Who are your favorite authors? Who inspires you? A: I’m crazy about Elinor Lipman, Pam Houston, Jennifer Weiner, Jennifer Crusie, Elizabeth Berg, Anne Tyler, Fay Weldon, and Anne Lamott. I can’t resist buying essay collections and story collections and books on the writing life. And I love all the contemporary women’s fiction being published these days. My Amazon cart is bursting with good stuff. 7. I know you too have a blog. Do you respond to your fans/readers? What do you like about blogging? A: I get a lot of email from readers—which makes my day. There is nothing better than someone taking the time to write you and tell you how much they liked your book, how they related to it, what they took from it, how it made them smile, etc. With blogging, I’m something of an introvert (in an extroverted way, if that makes any sense) that it doesn’t come easily to me. Sometimes I want to write a post about something, but I feel inhibited. It’s why there are some gaps in time. Some weeks, I never shut up with what I’m reading and thinking about and writing about. And then I get in this mode that makes me feel exposed about sharing stuff. I love feedback, though. I just have to figure out how to stop the spammers from taking over the comments section! 8. Last, what's next for you? What can we look forward to? A: Next up is my second novel for teens, The Mosts, which will be published by Random House Children’s Books in June 2010. Then, my next women’s fiction novel from Simon & Schuster, tentatively titled The Love Goddess’s Cooking School, about five people in an Italian cooking class) will be published late in 2010. And I’m being poked at by a new idea . . . . Thanks so much for these great questions and for having me on your blog! Thank you, Melissa! Check out Melissa Senate's website for more information on her other titles and links to her blog. **Simon and Schuster/Downtown Press has been kind enough to give me one copy of the finished Trade Paperback of this title to GIVEAWAY! Please leave a comment and your email address. You must be a follower (new or old) and reside in the US or Canada. Thanks for stopping by! Happy Reading! * red headed book child
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
5:13 AM
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Review #26: Seeing Redd by Frank Beddor
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
10:47 AM
Review #25: The Secret of Joy by Melissa Senate
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:59 AM
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Week In Review: November 8-14
Week in Review

Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:49 AM
Labels: week in review- nov. 8-14
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Giveaway for Green by Ted Dekker (with Instructions!)
GIVEAWAY! Ends Friday, November 20. Winner announced Saturday, November 21 in my Week in Review.
First and foremost, we want nothing but complete honesty in your reviews. If you loved the story, that’s great! That’s what we are striving for at Thomas Nelson. We want to consistently produce quality fiction that inspires, entertains, and challenges readers. If you didn’t enjoy a certain novel, well that’s great as well! Of course we want every title to be a home run with readers, but when they aren’t we want to know why. The only way we can continue to bring our readers consistent and quality fiction is to receive honest and unbiased feedback from them. We’re not asking for positive reviews in return for free review materials. We’re simply asking for complete objectivity.
We ask that you keep your reviews under 200 words if at all possible. This word count allows you to be informative without being too informative. We want your reviews to be read and most people tend to shy away from long reviews. Here is our recommendation for the structure of each review:
For the title of your post please include the title of the book and the author (e.g. House of Dark Shadows by Robert Liparulo)
Summary (50-100 words)
Please make sure your summary is in the first few sentences of the review.
- What’s the story about? How would you describe this story to someone in 3 or 4 sentences?
- Be careful not to give away major plot points, twists, or surprise endings.
Your Reactions (100-150 words)
Let us know what you liked and didn’t like about the novel.
- Was the story suspenseful, frightening, or romantic? How did it make you feel?
- Consider story elements such as plot, character development, dialogue, description, and scene. What worked and what didn’t?
- Was the overall message inspiring? Were you challenged in your faith? Were you entertained?
- Would you recommend this novel to others?
Please keep in mind that we prefer our fiction reviews to be spoiler free. We don’t want to take away from someone’s reading experience. If you think a line or a sentence from you review is too revealing it’s usually best to omit it or rewrite it.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
7:10 AM
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
To Award is to Love...(Superior Scribbler Award)
Good Afternoon Everyone. It is time to catch up on some Award Love. If you read my last Week in Review, I was given a few awards from my fellow bloggers and I can't tell you all how much it is appreciated.
- Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.I would like to award this to the following bloggers who I love to follow and read everything they write. (and you should too!) They are all so fun and talented.Christine= The Happily Ever After...Alyssa= Teens Read and WriteRebecca= Lost in BooksHappy Reading!* red headed book child
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
10:01 AM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Review #24: Turkey Day Murder by Leslie Meier
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
11:34 AM
Review #23: Stop It! by Sally Lee

Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
7:26 AM
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Week In Review: November 1-7

Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
8:34 AM
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Review #22: The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:11 PM
"Waiting On" Wednesdays (and the Cast has cometh off!)
Waiting on Wednesday is an event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It highlights the titles we are eagerly anticipating.
There's nothing cozier than a winter evening in Greenwich Village. Streetlights shimmer through icy flakes, cafés glow with welcoming warmth, and a layer of snow dusts historic townhouses like powdered sugar on holiday confections. Murder has no place in such a pretty picture, until now...
Coffeehouse manager Clare Cosi has grown very fond of Alfred Glockner, the part-time comic and genuinely jolly charity Santa who's been using her Village Blend as a place to warm his mittens. When she finds him brutally gunned down in a nearby alley, a few subtle clues convince her that Alfred's death was something more than the tragic result of a random mugging—the conclusion of the police. With Clare's boyfriend, NYPD Detective Mike Quinn, distracted by a cold case of his own, and ex-husband Matt investigating this year's holiday lingerie catalogs (an annual event), Clare charges ahead solo to solve her beloved Santa's slaying. Then someone tries to ice Clare, and she really gets steamed. But she'd better watch out, because
if she fails to stop this stone cold killer, she may just get the biggest chill of her life.
This very special holiday entry in Cleo Coyle's nationally bestselling mystery series includes a bonus section of delicious holiday recipes as well as a glossary of coffeehouse terms, instructions on making espressos and lattes without an expensive machine, and tips for creating tasty coffeehouse syrups at home.
This book comes out the end of November!
The best part of this week is that my baby's cast came off!!! Yeah!! He is a rolling machine. He can't walk yet though he tries to pull himself up and stand. But he is crawling and rolling and laughing and playing with his toes and belly (which he hasn't seen in over a month). He is so happy to sit by himself and play (pictured above) though he is still addicted to morning television. Grrr...atleast it's Sesame Street. :)
Happy Reading!
* red headed book child
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
8:16 AM