Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sherlock Holmes!

Not only is it Christmas this week, it is also the release of the movie Sherlock Holmes starring Robert Downey Jr. (awesome) and Jude Law (yummy).

So, on top of my Christmas week reading, I dug out my crusty old copy of Adventures of Sherlock Holmes to read a story or two before I see the movie.

Any fellow blogger out there a fan of Sherlock Holmes?

Or just a fan of Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law? (wink)

Happy Holidays Everyone!

red headed book child


Julie@My5monkeys said...

I haven't read the book but have watched the movies ...Can't wait to see this version with yummy actors.

brizmus said...

I LOVE Sherlock Holmes! I have literally read every story at least twice. I can't wait to see the movie! Robert Downey, Jr. is totally my favorite actor! :-)

Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

Julie, the yummy actors are good enough to start with!

Brizmus, I'm so glad you are such a big fan! I have to catch up to you on reading the stories. :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I've liked some of the 211 movies/show. (Read that on CNN this morning!) Favorite is Young Sherlock Holmes. That was a good-looking Holmes!
Looking forward to the movie as well!

Unknown said...

I am such a Sherlock Holmes fan! I'm going to have to just turn off that side of my brain that wants to compare the movie to the books because it looks like it's going to be a "loosely based on..." scenario. :)

Have a Merry Christmas!

Kitty Moore said...

I am a huge Robert Downey Jr fan so I'll definitely be watching the film!

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I'm a fan of Sherlock Holmes, but unfortunately all movie and TV versions! I do have Doyle's complete Sherlock Holmes so I do have it on the HUGE TBR iceberg, but....

I saw the new movie Monday at a free advance screening and it is AWESOME! Robert Downey Jr...sorry, but he can do no wrong. Somebody give that man an OSCAR! And by the way it ended, there will be a sequel...bring it on!

Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

Oohh, thanks for the teaser Michelle (True Book Addict). I'm even more excited!

Celticlady's Reviews said...

I have also watched the movies as opposed to reading the books. I admire Robert Downey Jr. for his being able to get his life back on track and he is not too shabby to look at. I want to seethis movie also...

Happy Holidays Michelle and to your little one!!!!

Marie Cloutier said...

I'm a Downey/Law fan :-) Definitely enough to get me in the theater. :-)

Lisa said...

Definitely a fan of Downey & Law but I've never read any Sherlock Holmes. Since you're a fan, does the movie look like it might be true to the books?

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

I like Sherlock Holmes but the movie (seen yesterday) was not as good as I had thought it would be. Not sure if it was me or the movie - but I was a bit bored....

Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

Lisa, I'm sure this new movie is going to be different and "Hollywood" but I like the actors so I'll give it a shot.

Sheila, I'm hoping to see it today (cross my fingers) so I hope I'm not bored! Oh no! I think Jude Law will distract me.

Christine said...

I've never read Sherlock Holmes, but recently saw the preview for the film and want to see it!

Tales of Whimsy said...

I've never read it. I need to. I am however totally looking forward to the film.