Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week in Review: March 14-March 20

Week in Review

Folks, these weeks go by so fast I just can't keep up. I had a much better week than my last week of poo (ha!). This week was full of obligations, seeing friends, and enjoying the one day of sun!

Though I dread doing taxes and always think secretly that I screwed up some how during the year and will owe millions of dollars, we surprisingly turned out quite well this year. Apparently hitting rock bottom, getting laid off, having a kid, and a house in a shitty economy works in the long run! (nervous laugh) Not that we will spend it on anything luxurious. It will go to home fix ups and maybe getting a new vehicle that doesn't involve leaking gas of 8 miles per gallon.

I spent a lovely evening with my pal Rachel and made her laugh once again with a story of her favorite romance author. (one who shall remain nameless) I encountered this author many many years ago at the first bookstore I worked at. I had NO idea who she was and that upset the crap out of her. She seemed ten feet tall to my puny five feet. My knowledge of books at this time consisted of V.C Andrews, Danielle Steele and Stephen King (among others) so when she asked where her books are I typed them into the computer (trying to ignore her eye roll) and responded cheerfully "Why, you can find your books in romance!" Hooray!
"WHAT?!! Romance?! What on earth are they doing THERE? They are much more than that!!! They should be in literature!"
Well, it went on for a few minutes and I stood there frozen to the spot wondering if she still wanted to see where they were (nervous laugh) and hoping she wouldn't step on me. When I was able to get a word in, I muttered an "I'm sorry. Would you like to speak to my manager?"
With a crisp "NO!" and a swoosh of her shawl, she stomped away.
Well, she told me!

I tell this story with humor and I have a world of respect for this author. I've had lots of encounters with authors who have been over-the-top wonderful and some, not so much. We are all human and have bad days and darnit, sometimes a puny little knee high bookseller gets the jab. :) Oh well! No skin off my back.
Rachel loves this story. I retell it with gusto!

Anyhoo, my week wrapped up with a beautiful day outside with the little kiddo. Boy, can this kid talk. I held his hand and we walked around our neighborhood for over an hour and it was "Truck!" "Tree!" "Car!" "Girl!" "Rock!" "Vroom!" "ohoh!" "Yuck!" "Wow!" and so on and so forth. Who knew the world was that interesting?
To a 2 year old, everything is fascinating. It was absolutely adorable. My favorite is when I would sneeze (due to slight allergies), he would pipe up "Achoo, Mama!" meaning
"Bless You, Mama"
sigh. adorable.

For my week in books, I feel like I have not been successful though I have been reading. I've been reading the books for blog tours next week and I can't post my reviews until then. :( I am currently reading Very Valentine by Adriana Trigiani for the TLC Book Tour and contest and I am LOVING it. I can not wait to share with you all my review. She is amazing! For a sneak peak, check her out here.

I did a review and interview with L. Diane Wolfe this past week for her new book
The Circle of Friends: Book 5, Heather.

Books that came my way this week are two very exciting ones! Alyson from Simon and Schuster sent me a copy of I Know I am, but what are you by Samantha Bee, a correspondent for the Daily Show.

Also, I received extra ARCs of Falling Apart in One Piece by Stacy Morrison. Wendy from Simon and Schuster was kind enough to send them to me for my book club. We are going to read it for next month. I am passing it along to my mother-in-law's book club as well. I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to spread the word.
Check out Stacy's website here for a tag line from my review!

This week, I hope to finish the second book in Adriana Trigiani's trilogy, Brava Valentine and maybe pick an oldie off my shelf!

Stay tuned tomorrow for my Guest Reviewer: The Husband's first review!

As always, thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading!

red headed book child


Anonymous said...

A great story! I know authors are human...but I would have been in tears (I'm so darn sensitive!)

What a great time with your little one--precious memories!!

Look forward to your reviews! :)

Jenny said...

LOL, that IS a funny story... you'll have to tell it "in real life" at BEA, haha (or maybe later when there isn't anyone who might accidentally overhear and shouldn't, hehe.)

That is so adorable of your son. Wish we could all be so fascinated, even as adults. Looking forward to your hubby's review too!

Celticlady's Reviews said...

hmmm wonder who the author was? Little people your sons age are so adorable and so full of life and questions. They pick things up like a sponge. I miss my children being little, well maybe not all of it but toddlers are wonderful to have around. Exhausting but wonderful... The book your hubby is reading, Nathaniel, is that one of Saul's older ones or is it new???

L. Diane Wolfe said...


Thanks again so much for the review and interview!

Tales of Whimsy said...

OMG No way! How funny!
I wish I was going to BEA so I could hear this in person too :)

Unknown said...

I always love that story (especially because I know who you're talking about)! And I'm glad you're enjoying Very Valentine, I thought you would. I can't wait to read Brava Valentine.

Lisa said...

Kiddo probably hasn't really been outside in such a long time it all felt new to him! Love that story about the author--apparently even authors feel there's a stigma attached to romance novels!

Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

Cheryl, I'm reading Brava NOW!

it has been awhile since we've been outside for long periods of time with all the sickness around here. It was delightful!

Lucy said...

A fellow bookseller, hello! Came across yout blog from love it here. Very, Valentine has been selling well in stores, even after the valentine celebrations.

I'll be back soon to read new posts.

Becca said...

I love that story, Michelle. I know authors have their good and bad days like the rest of us, only we remember their bad days and are always sure it seems to spread the word. So good for you for having her remain nameless. I am sure she appreciates that!

Oh, and totally adorable that your child says Achoo Mama. I love kids. :)

Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

Lucy, hello fellow bookseller! It's nice to see a few of you in blog land! Very Valentine was amazing. I just passed it to my mom.

I have so many stories that I could tell but I won't out of respect for authors. I prefer to tell a few good stories every now and then like the one I told some time ago meeting Jodi Picoult!

He also sometimes says Achoo when he farts!