Title: Whiter than Snow
Author: Sandra Dallas
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
ISBN: 978-0-312-60015-0
Format: Hardcover for Review
Price/Pages: $24.99/292
My Review and Description:
Whiter than Snow was such an incredible read. I had never read Sandra Dallas before and when I was asked to review her latest novel, I jumped on it. I knew that she wrote novels that captured very specific human stories of different times in history. This novel takes place in 1920 Swandyke, a small town near Colorado's Tenmile Range.
One afternoon an accident occurs involving an avalanche of snow that falls
upon the town.
9 children are affected and a whole community is changed forever.
Through each of the children, you are told the lives of their parents and caregivers. Each chapter holds a different story, so richly and uniquely told.
The end of the novel comes full circle to the tragic event and how it plays out.
I am such a fan of real narrative fiction that I found this book to be compulsively readable. Dallas wrote with such skill and ease that it was as if I was sitting on a porch listening to these characters tell me their story.
Even though each chapter is told from a different perspective you have faith that the author will come back around so you really let yourself go as a reader in enjoying each story. There is definite sadness and hard times throughout but there is also just as much resiliency of spirit.
I picked up The Chili Queen, an earlier novel of hers after reading this (not like I don't have stacks from BEA or anything). I was just so impressed with the author that I wanted to continue.
Thank you to Anne at The Book Report Network for allowing me the chance to read and review this novel.
Rating: 5 stars/6 stars
This was such a strong, enjoyable, heartwarming novel that I will be adding Sandra Dallas as an author to watch for. Truly gifted in a inviting writing style, she captures your attention and holds it. And her characters stay with you. Recommended for fans of literary fiction.
Happy Reading and as always, thanks for stopping by!
red headed book child
I just got this one in the mail for review and can't wait to read it. I've read some awesome reviews for it, yours now included!! It sounds like a wonderful story! Thanks for the awesome review!!!
I didn't plan to get to this one for a while but the two reviews I've read for it so far make me really want to pull it out NOW!
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