Monday, August 16, 2010

Thank the Lord!

I am out of the man cave and my new computer 
(which I am typing on right now) is up and running.

The wine bottle is being opened and Michelle is catching up.

See you out there my fellow bloggers!

red headed book child


Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Congratulations on escaping the man cave...a terrible place to be...LOL! Congrats on your new computer too. =O)

Tales of Whimsy said...

Yah! Congrats! Whoot whoot!

Helen Ginger said...

Congratulations on securing your own place! Yay!

Marce said...

Enjoy the wine - red or white?

Have fun networking again and adding to that WIshlist.

June G said...

Hi. Just dropping in to see how you're doing. It's been a while since I've visited. I've been so busy, it's hard to deep in touch with everyone. Sounds like you were out of action for awhile. Glad you made it back.

Christine said...

Always a good thing to hear! =)
Have fun catching up! xo

Stacy at The Novel Life said...

hallelujah!!! those man caves start to smell after awhile....
speaking of wine, hmmm, that sounds good right about now!