So a few short months ago I posted a little ditty about my love for Zac Efron. Well, I've got more crushes up my sleeve. I'm not going lie. I'm a 35 year old woman who is still a 12 year old crush crazy girl. Blame it on being a country kid with no friends. I found comfort in my little crushes. I would write stories about them, day dream about them swinging on my swing set listening to my little red boom box.
Ahh...the sounds of Air Supply and Peter Cetera are coming back.
Anyway, my husband is amused with my crushes and doesn't mind when I drool over them while watching a movie or a tv show or apparently writing silly little posts like this that really shows my dorky side. (Last example; watching Blue Bloods last night with Donnie Wahlberg and Tom Selleck. Oh Magnum Pi and a New Kid on the Block. Come on!!
This show was written for me)
But once again, I digress.
Let's talk about James Franco. First off, look at him.
Oh, I will give you a minute.

I started my love affair with James way back with the TV show Freaks and Geeks, one of the best damn TV shows ever made! Here's a favorite little clip of mine from there.
I have since seen him in all of his movies; from the ridiculous Pineapple Express to the powerful Milk.
He is gorgeous and talented and can do little wrong, in my eyes.
And now he is a published author. See, I always tie it back in to books, right?
Palo Alto: Stories is the name of his book. Have I read it? Not yet. Will I? Eventually.
Or as I told my friend Cheryl, he could write the ABCs on toilet paper and I'd read it.
Seriously, I read The Hottest State by Ethan Hawke because I was once crushin' on him.
It can't get any worse than that. Sorry, Ethan. Hemingway you are not.
Actually, I do have a wee bit more faith in Mr. Franco.
I certainly don't want to discredit him and his writing abilities.
So, check it out...the book that is. It sounds interesting.
And you can stare at the gorgeous picture above of him while you read.
Sorry James, you are just too darn hot.
Happy reading and as always, thanks for stopping by!
red headed book child
He is SO darn hot!
PS I have similar crazy crushes on younger men.
PS I have similar crazy crushes on younger men.
This made me LOL because I have a post-in-progress about this very thing. We heard the new Greyson Chance song yesterday and I really like it. I told the kids this and said that I saw him perform when I was in New York (for BlogHer). This got translated into my son's Aspie mind as my being in love with a 12 year old, a fact which he hollered at full volume in the car. ("You're in love with a !@ YEAR OLD?") I'm just thankful the windows were up and the policeman who lives across the street didn't hear him. I might have had some 'splainin' to do.
hahahaha! Oh man, this post made me laugh SO hard. Go fan girl crushes!!! I don't suppose you know that he's doing the movie 127 hours?
Thank you, Juju dear!
Melissa-I don't know what Greyson looks like but I'm sure I'll have a crush on him by next Tuesday.
Tipsi-I'm glad I made you laugh. I'm kind of a dork that way!!
Hehehe...SO glad that this nearly 30 year old isn't the only one with fancy young men crushes....God I love James Franco....and Zac Efron....and Taylor Lautner (ppuurr............his eyes are to DIE for!) :o)
He is way too cute, and way too talented, for any one person. :-)
I want to read this one too, maybe I'll print out that photo and use it as a book mark!! He's a hottie for sure!
I just saw this at the store today and thought I HAVE to have it... I <3 James Franco too!!! But probably not quite as much as you do. And I have faith that he's a good writer because he is well educated from what I understand. Isn't he a Harvard professor now or something??
We all have our celebrity crushes, though I've never read a book by one. If Robert Pattinson writes a book, I'll probably read it...LOL...I like the cover of the book you're currently reading--The Dressmaker. I've got to look it up and see what it's about.
A true renaissance man! Franco is yummy!
Your post reminded me of the poem I wrote to David Lee Roth....
Ooh...eye candy number 2 for the day after Pop Culture Nerd's little visual diversion (which just so happend to include M.Wahlberg). As for his acting, just saw him in EAT PRAY LOVE...pretty good job if I do say so. Potential as a writer? Who knows until they try and then you read it....there are a slew of unexpected authors just waiting to be discovered, he could be one of them. Thanks for the heads up and the daydream potential...hehe...happy reading!
Egad! I almost forgot! In honor of today's post (hehe) maestro if you please....
"I have dreamed that your arms are lovely,
I have dreamed what a joy you'll be.
I have dreamed every word you whisper.
When you're close,
Close to me.
How you look in the glow of evening
I have dreamed and enjoyed the view."
-- I Have Dreamed from The King and I
ah, thank you for sharing the picture...i can have sweet dreams now - LOL!
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