Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Year End Wrap Up

"HA! Mom, I can't believe you've only read 65 books this year?!"
says the toddler who keeps me busier than ever!

This year has been filled with ups and downs.
For the downs; I lost my Grandmother, I experienced real depression and anxiety for the first time in my life and sought therapy for it, I discovered I hate potty training, I broke out in hives, my hair turned more gray than red, and I got arthritis in my big toe. :(

For the ups; I've been fortunate to continue to be home with my son, I got a job at my local library that I love, I went to BEA and the first ever Book Blogger Convention and it rocked!, I met a few of you lovely folks, I got my blog redesigned by Rachel at Parajunkee, I celebrated my 6th year anniversary with my husband and I finally discovered GLEE!

Thanks to all of you for going along on the ride with me. I appreciate you all!
Overall, it's been a busy year and I look forward to the next being bigger and better and
full of happy times.

Now, here's my Book Year in Review, folks.

Books Read:
Books Read including Children's Books:
Review Copies read:
Library Loan:
Owned Books Read:

Challenges completed:
RIP Challenge 1/1, Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge 1/1

Challenges NOT completed:
100+ Reading Challenge 65/100, Cozy Mystery Challenge 3/6

Favorite New Author:
Karen White

Best Review Books I almost said No to:
Adriana Trigiani's Very Valentine and Brava, Valentine

Best Discovery:
Sandra Brannan's In the Belly of Jonah

Guilty Pleasure:

Top 10 Favorite Books of 2010:
The Distant Hours- Kate Morton
The Likeness- Tana French
Sea Escape- Lynne Griffin
Revolution-Jennifer Donnelly
In the Belly of Jonah-Sandra Brannan
Very Valentine-Adriana Trigiani
Madonnas of Echo Park-Brando Skyhorse
House Rules-Jodi Picoult

In the next year in Blog Land, I hope to read more of my favorite genres while at the same time discovering new authors. I'm very excited for the 3 challenges I am participating in. I look forward to discovering more bloggers out there and start planning to BEA 2011, baby!

I hope to also write more about my adventures in the literary world from my years of bookselling to managing a bookstore to now working at a public library. More to come on that...!

Happy Reading. Happy New Year. As always, thanks for stopping by!

red headed book child


Celticlady's Reviews said...

Hope you have a great New Year!!!

Lisa said...

You may not have read as many "you" books but that time spent reading to your son is worth every minute!

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Here's hoping 2011 is great for both of us, Michelle! Lord knows, after my 2010, I sure need it to be! And don't feel bad...I only read 50 books, but I did go up from 2009 so that's a plus. Anyway, Happy New Year to you and your family! Be safe!

Anonymous said...

Haha! That photo is s cute ;-) The only ones I've read from your list of favourites are The Distant Hours and House Rules. Both were great! Will have to check out some of the others you mention in the new year.

Misha said...

Three of your favorite books- The Distant Hours,The Likeness and Revolution were on my list as well. Karen White and Jodi Picoult are among my favorite authors.

Happy New Year!

Jenny said...

Hehe, great pic! He's adorable!

Great list too! =)
I have at least half those on my TBR! I need to get to them!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Cute photo and a great list of best books. I'd like to start reading the Tanya French series.

Tales of Whimsy said...

Wow. What a year. My year has had tons of ups and downs too.
And girl I SO feel you on the grays. I keep getting more. Ergh!
Let's toast to a better sweeter 2011.
Happy New Year :)

Marce said...

I will be reading that Karen White next year for sure to try her.

Great list I definitely will read something from your list.

TanaF I am trying for your challenge actually.

Happy New Year

Here is mine if interested

StephTheBookworm said...

He is adorable. I love Glee big time. Hope to hang out with you at BEA this year!

Ryan said...

I still need to read The Likeness, The Distant Hours, and In the Belly of Jonah.

Have a great and safe New Year.

Sheila Deeth said...

Lovely picture. You've done lots of reading and lots more! Happy New Year.

Marie Cloutier said...

happy new year!! you had a great year in reading :-) and i HAVE to read that new Reichel now that i know you loved it!

Stacy at The Novel Life said...

He is too, too cute! The smile is infectious! My children's laughter is the one thing that can bring me up in a heartbeat.

Would you believe I have only JUST finished my very first Tana French book??? In the Woods!!! It totally rocked. She is my new favorite female mystery author!

And Karen White - well, we both adore her.... =}
Happy New Year my friend! Hugs and smiles to you!

Christine said...

LOOK AT THAT FACE! How do you not chew on it all day long. Okay, that sounds kinda weird, but you know what I mean! He's a cutie pie.

I cannot believe I read more books than you! I came in at 83... reviewed maybe five? *SO LAME*

Happy New Year, luv! xoxo

So glad we 'met' and then met in real life! How cool!