So this is what it looks like outside, my back porch. It's been snowing all day. After trudging through banks of it, running errands with my little toddler (who LOVED kicking off his boots!), I've decided, I'm so over it.

So, I prefer to spend my time doing this. (not in picture=glass of wine)

The Anatomy of Ghosts by Andrew Taylor
So far? Unputdownable.
Happy Reading and as always, thanks for stopping by!
red headed book child
I heard about all the snow that everyone is getting. Don't hate me but so far only fog...and some sun ;0 )
I was thinking the same thing today - we are supposed to be getting snow tomorrow and Wednesday and already have 36 inches on the ground from all the snow we've already gotten this winter!
I did all my errands today so that the next 2 days I can spend time on my blog and read!
Hey, your deck looks like ours, and we have 12-16" coming by Thursday am....supposedly.
With this yucky cold weather I keep hoping to get snowed in and not be able to go to work. Well, that hasn't happened. I just want to curl up by the fire and read all day, uninterupted. Ha! That is funny isn't it. Oh well, hope you are loving your book and keeping warm.
Wow, that's crazy!!!
We're going to be in the 80's this week... ;)
Well, with the snow amounts they're predicting here in Michigan I'm hoping to be doing what you are!!
I feel your pain. Nothing better than a good book and a glass of wine. Well, except for those things plus warm brownies. Mine are just about out of the oven. Enjoy reading!
Is it bad that I'm glad I live where it doesn't snow.... I can visit when I'm in the mood for it.
You guys weather has been torture, of course the children love it.
Thanks everyone for commenting! This winter has been so so long and harsh. i am ready to see my backyard again and take long walks with my little guy...with sandals and not moon boots!
I am actually kind of sad that it doesn't snow where I live ...
But what's better than a gripping novel combined with a glass of wine! I have heard that The Anatomy of Ghosts by Andrew Taylor is amazing!
It's been snowing since last night. 7-8 inches with 40 mile an hour winds. And I'm still at work!
We had a little bit of snow, but now we have the sub zero temps. I wish I was snuggled up with a book and a glass of wine.
I have this book on my list to read, but I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to get to it.
I'm glad to hear that it is unputdownable. I might have to squeeze it in!
Sounds brilliant! Wish I had a snow day today :)
What kind of wine? ;)
I am really sad it isn't snowing. I live in Utah and so far, all we've gotten really is dustings. The spring temperatures have been wonderful but now it is freezing, sunny and no snow. Blah! The snow pack is good here (which is important because we need all that water for summer) but it would be nice to get some fresh snow to ski in.
Everyone is over the snow but I'm stuck in the only state that got...zilch! Hey, it sounds like "heaven" but it just means we freeze without the beauty. *-* Enjoy the reading time though!
Here in Chicago we are on our way to 22 inches by Wednesday afternoon. Luckily-SNOW DAY! Just finished Her Fearful Symmetry and ready to start Enders Game.
Blech! Just think, in May, we'll be at BEA and it will be gloriously SNOWLESS!
Thanks al for stopping by! Looks like there will be another snowstorm later this week but it might JUST miss us. That's just too bad. (sarcasm noted here)
I do not miss having to get a small child around in the snow! Everything takes so much longer and you get so much colder!
It is a little sick that I got excited when I heard the temp may go up to thirty today. On the plus side, I got to check out the ice sculptures at the St. Paul winter carnival, which were pretty impressive.
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