What do these things have to do with one another?
Well, they sum up my weekend.
First, a book signing. Above you see a very fuzzy, snowy picture of a bookstore called
Once Upon a Crime. This is one of my favorite little shops to pop in every now and then in Minneapolis. They are exclusively a seller of all things mystery. It's tiny. Very tiny. But it works. I never leave there without a list a mile long. And they have amazing author events. They get the big local authors, sure but they also get a lot of the well known national authors as well.

On Saturday they had both local, to me, and national author, Laura Childs. She was there to sign her newest book in her Tea Shop mysteries. I was there to see her and also to partake in a little of the tea action. Yes, there were treats. Finger sandwiches, scones, yummy Chai tea. Delicious!
I have only read her first two books in her Cackleberry Club series and her first book in the Tea Shop series. I brought all of those and she was lovely enough to sign them for me. I also brought the one copy I had of her scrapbooking series as well, which I have not read.
She was incredibly delightful and kind. Her husband tried to take our picture but it didn't quite turn out. Too fuzzy! That's okay. It was a pleasure to see her as she is becoming a favorite cozy mystery author of mine.
Fun fact: She is actually from my dad's hometown and her father knew my grandpa.
Small world, isn't it?
Overall, it was a pleasant way to spend a bit of my afternoon.
Which leads me to the shameless promotion piece...

For those of you new to my blog, you will not know that I met a fabulous new mystery author last year at BEA. Her name is Sandra Brannan. She was at the Book Blogger Convention and we had a chance to have breakfast and chat a bit. Well, long story short, she is delightful and I read her book, In the Belly of Jonah, on the plane ride home. I LOVED IT and I was lucky and honored to be the blogger that kicked off her book release that September.
At that time, I tried to get her book in the bookstore I was working at then and also suggested to the publisher to try Once Upon a Crime. I thought maybe with some of my contacts and whatnot I could put in a good word. Well, it didn't happen.
So, being that a I was there, I decided I was going to go for it and tell them all about Sandra Brannan's book. (I had just received ARCs of the second book and was totally stoked to read it!). I basically talked the owner's ear off for a bit about how they should stock it and told them how wonderful Sandra is, yada yada.
Cross your fingers that it works out and they carry her book. It's an amazing bookstore with an amazing reputation. To be a mystery author and have your book there is a good thing.
More on Sandra later. I will be having a giveaway of her second book in May and lots more fun stuff. So keep your eyes open for it all. I hope to spread the word even more with this second book because Sandra deserves all the success she gets!
Whew! Must wrap this up. Last thing of the weekend was my recent discovery of Adele. Do we all know her and her wonderful music?? Holy cats, is she amazing! I have been listening to the song Someone Like You over and over again. (please click on the link and listen) Of course, I am also crying my eyeballs out a bit too remembering how bloody full of angst I was as a young twenty something and how much I would have been ALL over this song back then.
Anyhoo, there is my weekend in a nutshell. Reading? Well, I did finish one book.
That's something, right?
Happy Reading and as always, thanks for stopping by!
red headed book child
I think we should round up some girls and go see Adele in May. We'll all cry in our drinks together.
Wow. What fun!
I love the idea of that little mystery book shop :)
Laura Childs? Way flipping cool!
O I loooove Adele. I just downloaded her album Thursday :) I can not get enough of it ;)
I love mysteries! I'm glad to discover another mystery author to read. Thank you!
And yes, Adele is amazing!
I haven't read many adult book since I got back into YA and I think it's a shame. When I visit your blog, I realize just how much I am missing out on and I'm gonna have to try to fix that.
And Adele is a goddess. I love her to bits. Someone Like You is my probably my all-time fave song by her. I nearly cry whenever I watch a video of her singing it live because there is just so much emotion in it.
Sounds like a fun weekend :) And I love Adele.
I have been hinting at the new Adele album for my birthday :)
I do love her version of Make you feel my love.
Dude, I totally want your mystery book shop!! We have one but it's entirely too white and surgical to be a small bookshop.
Anyway, good luck on the promoting!!! :)
Don't you love finding connections like that? Same hometown or favorite teas, etc? Makes them more "reachable". Wishing you much luck on getting her book in store... *fingers crossed* Sounds like you had a great weekend. Wishing you nothing but the best in the upcoming week!
adele and mysteries--a wonderful combination!
I came over from Clarissa Draper's blog, and glad I did. You have such a colorful blog! I LOVE the red/orange. But even more important, what awesome information about books, books, books! I'm hooked and am now following so I won't miss out on your wonderful recommendations!
Ann Best, Long Journey Home
I met Sandra at SIBA and adored her! She is such a wonderful author!!! I'm reading In the Belly of Jonah right now and just love it!
And can I come visit so we can go to the mystery bookstore?!? It sounds like heaven to me!!!!
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