Like I need more books, right? I'm doomed.
Friday, April 29, 2011
I'm doomed.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
8:04 AM
Labels: book sale, My Thoughts
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wrecker by Summer Wood (review #120)
Monday, April 18th: Scraps of Life
Tuesday, April 19th: Musings of an All Purpose Monkey
Thursday, April 21st: Book Club Classics!
Friday, April 22nd: Bloggin’ ‘Bout Books
Monday, April 25th: In the Next Room
Tuesday, April 26th: Life in Review
Wednesday, April 27th: Boarding in my Forties
Thursday, April 28th: Red Headed Book Child
Monday, May 2nd: Joyfully Retired
Thursday, May 5th: Rundpinne
Monday, May 9th: Caribousmom
Tuesday, May 10th: Amused by Books
Wednesday, May 11th: I’m Booking It
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
10:15 AM
Labels: fiction, tlc blog tour, wrecker
Monday, April 25, 2011
Russian Winter by Daphne Kalotay (review #119)
When Nina Revskaya puts her remarkable jewelry collection up for auction, the former Bolshoi Ballet star finds herself overwhelmed by memories of her homeland, and of the events, both glorious and heartbreaking, that changed her life half a century earlier. It was in Russia that she discovered the magic of dance and fell in love, and where, faced with Stalinist aggression, a terrible discovery incited a deadly act of betrayal—and an ingenious escape to the West.
Nina has kept her secrets for half a lifetime. But now Drew Brooks, an inquisitive associate at a Boston auction house, and Grigori Solodin, a professor who believes Nina’s jewels hold the key to unlocking his past, begin to unravel her story—setting in motion a series of revelations that will have life-altering consequences for them all.
Tuesday, April 5th: Library Queue
Wednesday, April 6th: Luxury Reading
Thursday, April 7th: nomadreader
Monday, April 11th: A Few More Pages
Thursday, April 14th: We Be Reading
Tuesday, April 19th: Books Like Breathing
Tuesday, April 19th: Chefdruck Musings
Thursday, April 21st: Book Addiction
Monday, April 25th: red headed book child
Tuesday, April 26th: Red Lady’s Reading Room
Wednesday, April 27th: Bloggin’ ‘Bout Books
Thursday, April 28th: Calico Critic
Friday, April 29th: Wordsmithonia
Monday, May 2nd: Historical Tapestry
Tuesday, May 3rd: Man of La Book
Wednesday, May 4th: In the Next Room
Thursday, May 5th: Life in the Thumb
Friday, May 6th: she reads and reads
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:00 AM
Labels: russian winter, tlc book tours
Friday, April 22, 2011
Hey, You Wrote a Book!
Shay O'Hanlon is a Minneapolis coffee shop co-owner whose life revolves around her work. Her best friend, Nicholas "Coop" Cooper is a vegetarian tree hugger who wouldn't hurt a fly. He works on a moored bingo barge on the Mississippi River. Coop has words with his boss, Stanley "Kinky" Anderson, and the talk ends with Kinky telling Coop, "You're fired!"
The next day Kinky is found dead in the bingo barge office, his head smashed in by a bronzed bingo dauber. Coop runs to Shay for help. They enlist the aid of Shay's mother-figure, Edwina "Eddy" Quartermaine, who's a 60-something, hip, lovable woman (also the owner of the Victorian house in Uptown where Shay's coffee shop is located).
After breaking into the barge to look for clues to who really bashed Kinky's head in, Eddy is kidnapped, and craziness ensues. Shay and Coop must locate a missing truckload of nuts and return it to two bumbling mobsters or they'll feed Eddy to the fish. During the search for these missing nuts, Shay and Coop do some additional breaking and entering, discover another dead body, acquire a Boxer dog named Dawg, and try to dodge JT, the Minneapolis detective working Kinky's murder case.
Will they succeed in their quest to clear Coop and nail the murderer? Or will their madcap inexperience doom Eddy forever?
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
8:06 AM
Labels: local authors, mystery
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Coming Soon: A Lisa Lutz near you

Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
12:06 PM
Labels: author events, lisa lutz
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Ladies Book Club: April
1 read 50 pages & stopped
3 read about 1/2
Thoughts & quotes from the ladies ~
"He's an arrogant prick" talks about himself & not a lot about cooking. It was frustrating.
"In Kitchen Confidential he was a pompus chef, in this he just comes off as a pompous sell out & he is ok with that."
"The reviews talked about how it didn't turn out to be a foodie book and how it was all about him and it didn't get very good reviews so I didn't waste my time reading it since it didn't sound like something I was going to read or enjoy."
"Lots about career management - what to do & not to do if you want to become a chef. Good insight if that is something you are interested in."
"Lots of ego trips, swearing & drug use - didn't like the bragging about driving high and cutting down lots of other chefs who are still actually in the business. He speaks somewhat proudly about those bad choices he made and really cuts down other famous chefs ... in an effort to make himself look like less of a sell out?"
"In his book he comes off a lot like his tv personality ~ very pompous. If you don't like him on tv you probably won't like his book."
Well, that was about it ~ it sparked a discussion on food prep for colleges and how that is a job he cuts down but is one that lets you cook & create with decent hours, pay & benefits. Also came around to school lunches we see, etc. "teacher talk" from a few of us... news about a school in chicago(?) that is banning lunches from home unless it is for a documented allergy reason due to less healthy sack lunches.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:02 PM
Labels: april, The Ladies Book Club
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Did you know...
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
12:01 PM
Monday, April 11, 2011
The Uncoupling by Meg Wolitzer (review #118)
When the elliptical new drama teacher at Stellar Plains High School chooses for the school play Lysistrata—the comedy by Aristophanes in which women stop having sex with men in order to end a war—a strange spell seems to be cast over the school. Or, at least, over the women. One by one throughout the high school community, perfectly healthy, normal women and teenage girls turn away from their husbands and boyfriends in the bedroom, for reasons they don’t really understand. As the women worry over their loss of passion, and the men become by turns unhappy, offended, and above all, confused, both sides are forced to look at their shared history, and at their sexual selves in a new light.
As she did to such acclaim with the New York Times bestseller The Ten-Year Nap, Wolitzer tackles an issue that has deep ramifications for women’s lives, in a way that makes it funny, riveting, and totally fresh—allowing us to see our own lives through her insightful lens.
Friday, April 1st: The Literate Housewife Review
Monday, April 4th: In the Next Room
Tuesday, April 5th: I’m Booking It
Wednesday, April 6th: The 3 R’s Blog
Thursday, April 7th: A Musing Reviews
Friday, April 8th: Chick Lit Reviews
Monday, April 11th: Red Headed Book Child
Tuesday, April 12th: Regular Rumination
Wednesday, April 13th: Lit and Life
Thursday, April 14th: Bewitched Bookworms
Monday, April 18th: Rundpinne
Tuesdasy, April 19th: Nomad Reader
Wednesday, April 20th: Peeking Between the Pages
Thursday, April 21st: Acting Balanced
Monday, April 25th: Everyday I Write the Book
Tuesday, April 26th: Book Vixen
Wednesday, April 27th: Debbie’s Book Bag
Meg Wolitzer is the author of eight previous novels, including The Ten-Year Nap, The Position, and The Wife. Her short fiction has appeared in The Best American Short Stories and The Pushcart Prize. She lives in New York City.
Connect with Meg on her Facebook page.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
7:02 AM
Labels: fiction, tlc blog tour
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Dead Connection by Alafair Burke (review #117)
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
1:20 PM
Friday, April 8, 2011
Sweet Valley Confidential by Francine Pascal (review #116)
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
8:05 AM