I realized that I did not take a lot of pictures and pictures are the fun thing to look at right?
What does everyone look like? How large is BEA anyway?
Because of my sad lack of pictures, I am just going to combine my posts for the whole week.
Day 2 in NYC I woke up ready for the day. I was rested. I ate breakfast. I was set to go get in line for a ticket to meet Mo Willems, the author of Elephant and Piggie books. This event is its own post, which I will post after this. Bright and early I got a text from the lovely Miss Stephanie from Steph the Bookworm (see above).
We met up with her and her mom, who was also very lovely. It is really hard to "stick" together at BEA, especially with more than one person, so unfortunately our day was spent texting each other's locations and enthusiasms rather than "hanging" out. That's okay, we had to get books!!!
And books we got!
She was delightful and we did get a chance to spend more time together at the Atria Blogger Party at Simon and Schuster, which we shared a cab to and also at the
Book Blogger Convention.
The picture below was taken down at the shipping area of BEA. I kept "running" into Sandra Brannan during the week. On Tuesday, right after I met up with Stacy, she literally jumped up and down in front of me screaming my name and I was so wiped out, I didn't even notice.
Well, there are thousands of people there and you do get a tunnel vision. :(
Anyway, that was a pleasure to catch up on the very first day. The second day I ran into her in the bathroom. Very classy, I know but we chatted for quite awhile away from the busyness of the crowds upstairs. And then on Thursday, the delightful creature that she is, she took Stacy and I out for a beautiful lunch to say thanks!
THIS was one of the two big highlights of the week. Thoroughly enjoyed this afternoon spent with her. Such a genuine person to be around.! I miss her already.

Sandra Brannan
Wednesday night was really fun with the Harper Collins Blogger Party and dinner with Heather from Age 30+...A Lifetime of Books and several others. Stacy and I were pretty beat by the end of this day, rolling in to our hotel around 11pm.
Stacy and I made a lot of contacts on the exhibit floor. With my red hair and her southern charm, we had it down! We both had fun going from booth to booth talking it up with various publishers. We did a good job communicating with one another with what we wanted to do and we would split up and come back together. I thought we worked quite well together.
At the end of the day on Thursday, we got lucky and visited the Scholastic booth right at closing. We ended up talking to the nicest sales gal there and she invited us to a party with Libba Bray, Meg Cabot and Maggie Stiefvater. She also gave us galleys of Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick!!! Stacy and I both squealed a little.

Piggie and Elephant
Thursday night was amazing! Not only did I finally get to see inside Simon and Schuster, one of my favorite publishers, I got to meet the people behind Sandra Brannan. The lovely folks at JKS Communications had a little get together and it was so much fun! I saw Sandra again, met Marissa (who I've emailed back and forth a zillion times!) and Amalie Howard, the author of Bloodspell. SHE WAS SO VERY AMAZING!! I am sad I do not have any pictures of this event or the Book Blogger Convention.
Friday was the BBC and it was even better this year. I saw Melissa from The Betty and Boo Chronicles again! I finally met Natalie from Coffee and a Book Chick and a whole host of others. The panels were great and the author speed dating was really fun too. I met Daphna Ziman, the author The Grey Zone, Chitoka Webb, author of Something Inside of Me and Jim Higley, author of Booble Head Dad, all incredibly inspirational people.
Friday night Stacy and I were pretty wiped from networking we went out for sushi and saw Bridesmaids at the largest movie theater ever in Times Square. I haven't laughed that hard at a movie in a long time. A nice way to wrap up the week.
The next morning we were both up early to head to the airport.
Sad but we were ready to see our families! I can't wait for next year.
Overall, it was wonderful week filled with passionate, caring, like minded, book loving people. I've never felt so comfortable talking to strangers before and I hope that feeling continues in the many years to come.
Happy Reading and as always, thanks for stopping by!
red headed book child
Sounds like you had a great BEA, as did I! It's funny how much easier it is to talk to strangers when they're "book people"! =)
Great post! I especially love the part about me. HAHA just kidding!
I really had so much fun and loved the Atria event. Thanks for all your help and guidance over the week. My mom and I were nervous as you know lol.
I LOVED Bridesmaids too. Wasn't it so freaking funny?!
Wow! I'm so glad to see you had fun. You met so many interesting authors and bloggers.
I hope you're feeling better :)
It sounds such a lot of fun!
Really wish they'd move the BEA away from New York again. I had a blast the last year it was in DC.
Sounds like a great time, I wish I was there for the speed dating author part. I have seen your picture on a few blogs, cool. Love the pict of you and Steph.
I totally want to see the list of books you got specific to the genre we love - thriller/suspense.
Great wrap-up of your week and I found you to be quite lovely also!!!
Sounds like you had a great time! I love reading about everyone's BEA adventures, as we all had different experiences. And you're right, it's easier to talk to strangers when you know they're fellow book lovers!
OMG what fun. You look so darn cute.
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