- Read any author within the mystery genre; thriller, noir, suspense, etc. Use last names as the letter (i.e. S= John Sandford)
- Post your links in the comments below.
- See if you can complete the whole alphabet!!!
red headed book child
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
8:52 AM
Labels: 2016 A-Z Mystery Author Challenge, a-z mystery author challenge
It's funny. I was at one of my book club get togethers for the holidays. It was a book and cookie swap. I brought books, not cookies. It's how I roll. I met a new woman there and after being introduced as the "friend who has a book blog and gets lots of books", I thought, "Well, shoot! I should probably blog then!" I hopped on my blog later that night and realized my last post was from July and it wasn't even written by me! I felt immediately silly for handing out my blog business card to someone new and for her to google search my rather stale site!
Did this motivate me to want to write a million reviews? No, not really. I don't think the art of book blogging is dead by any means. It just hasn't been my platform to recommend and talk books for quite some time. I created a Facebook page for my blog and I link books I liked and am reading on there. I donate, give away, swap and talk books with family and friends. I recommend to every one I can during my job at the library. And I read a lot of kids books with my son and then donate them to his school.
My blog has brought me a ton of opportunities and connections in the world of books and I'm forever grateful. Last year, I posted that I may include some more personal posts instead of all books. In all reality, I like the short and sweet aspect of Facebook rather than a meandering post here on my blog. For now.
I will probably continue my A-Z Mystery Challenge because I have some faithful followers and it really requires very little time.
And I will pop over occasionally with a review or two. I like to see some old faces out there but I am truthfully pretty behind on any new book blogs. I still don't do Netgalley or ebooks of any kind so that does limit my opportunities to review some of the newer titles. I'm okay with that.
The pace of the library has changed my reading. I don't need the newest and the best right away. I placed a request and I wait in line. I've turned 40, so I'm over the fan fare of "Gimme Gimme!".
I guess my purpose of this post was my introduction and definition as a Book Blogger. And though I do identify in some ways to that, I really truly am just a Book Lover. I will get the word out for what I love in any way I can.
For now, it's just not here so much.
Hope you all are well in the book blog-o-sphere!
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
10:30 AM
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
8:12 AM
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:55 PM
Labels: giveaway
My son and I started the Dragonbreath series by Ursula Vernon and took quite a liking to them. Seeing there was a new book by her and a stand alone, I was intrigued.
This one is on my son's nightstand to read for the summer. Sounds super fun!
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
7:47 AM
Labels: Featured Books
Lately I haven't had too many chances to read but that doesn't stop the offers for review requests. To compromise, because I still love knowing what is new and hot, I have offered to do Features! to appeal to my A-Z Mystery Author Challenge folks.
So today I have many wonderful mystery/thrillers to let you know about that cover quite a few different sub genres within the mystery genre.
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
11:36 AM
Labels: Featured Books
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
8:46 AM
Labels: 2015 Guest reviews
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
10:35 AM
Labels: Featured Books
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
9:34 AM
Labels: 2015 Audio reviews
As I was driving home from picking up my son from school today, it hit me. MY reading has fallen by the wayside over the past year, as HIS reading and listening as flourished! And....I'm okay with that. But I had to get it all out in a post because, well, there is a bit of guilt for all the books that were sent to me having not produced reviews for most of them. Does this mean I didn't talk about them? Nope. Share them with others? Nope. It just means I didn't officially sit here at my blog and write a full page report. And....I have to be okay with that. I did what I could and all those books made their way to readers who ate them up.
So on to what I HAVE been doing. I have been watching and enjoying my son, now 7, become an amazing reader and lover of stories. We have been busy! We have always read every night but many times we read over breakfast AND we now listen to audiobooks!!!! In the car on the way to and from school or anytime we are in the car going anywhere. I'm so excited because he is at that stage of reading that I love! The early chapter book stage! Okay, who am I kidding? I love them all!
Here is what we have read over the past year together.
Ready, Freddy series by Abby Klein (all 28 of them!)
Andrew Lost series by JC Greenberg (6 of them!)
Charlotte's Web by EB White
The Best Little Christmas Pageant Ever
Stink by Megan McDonald
Calendar Mysteries by Ron Roy (all of them)
A-Z Mysteries by Ron Roy (A,B,C,D)
Capital Mysteries by Ron Roy (first one)
Captain Underpants series ( 1-6 and yes, we love them!)
Ricky Ricotta series (1-5)
Kitty Korner: Otis
Kung Fu Chicken series (book 1)
Eerie Elementary (books 1 and 2)
Listened to:
The Secrets of Droon series (books 1-8)
Magic Treehouse series (books 1-3)
Mercy Watson series (all of them)
Wayside School Collection by Louis Sachar (LOVED these)
Chet Gecko by Bruce Hale (books 104, read by Jon Cryer (Ducky from Pretty in Pink!!!))
I know I am forgetting some but man, it's been so much fun. So, alas dear readers, publishers, I AM reading and I will share your books you send me with the world but right now, at this wonderful age, I am enjoying reading with my son the most!
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
6:38 PM
It is Februrary 6 already and look at me, posting for a new year challenge! Go me. Obviously blogging hasn't been my top priority but here I am!. For those of you who wish to take on this challenge, please share your results in the comments below. I am not going to do a link this year. I hope to be a bit more successful in my mystery reading efforts this year than last. Overall, I was pretty slow in the reading process. Every year brings new hope, right?
-A-Z applies to the LAST name of the author in the mystery, thriller, crime, cozy , suspense, noir, etc. genre.
-Read as many or as little as you want.
-Post your links in the comments below.
-Challenge runs February 6, 2015-Febraury 6, 2016
-Have fun!
Happy Reading and as always, thanks for stopping!
Posted by
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
8:05 AM
I cannot live without books. ~ Thomas Jefferson