Monday, March 5, 2018

Snow Day here in Minnesota

I sit here completely shocked that we have yet another snow day this year. That's 2 already! It's very unheard of for my school district.

I actually get a moment to look at my blog which has been neglected for far too long. I'm not reading as much but I am still very involved in my literary world.

I still work at my local library.
I continue to do Book Fairy drops in my community.
I desperately try to get to my two book clubs.
I read with my son every night.
I try to keep up with my Red Headed Book Child Facebook page.
I work for the Midwest Booksellers Association fall trade show every year.
And I still read my favorite blogs out there.

I hope to get back into the swing of some things but honestly reviewing as changed over the years. I like to have the space that I call mine here at Red Headed Book Child but it doesn't have to be the go to spot for all your reading needs. I just like to have it for a piece of my world and a piece of my history.

Cheers to you all for reading and blogging and doing all you do!

red headed book child